Madden NFL 12
Assistant Game Designer – PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Madden NFL 12 was a pivotal year for my career as I transitioned from a role with the Wii team to a role with the much larger console team. At the time, this was described as being called up to the majors so I was tremendously excited to step into larger role with more opportunities to contribute to the Madden title I had played since the early 90s.
During the development of Madden NFL 12, I supported a live feature in Madden NFL 11 with week-to-week content releases based on action in the NFL that week. The feature was called Madden Moments Live and played like minigame scenarios built to replicate the same scenarios that teams faced 1 day prior. I would watch games on Sunday and take note of 6 to 8 late game do-or-die scenarios and then build them in Madden first thing Monday morning. An extremely empowering workflow allowed me to build, test, and promote to live all on my own so that new Madden Moments Live were playable before lunch.
Throughout the development of Madden NFL 12, I learned workflows and pipelines that would be of great benefit in the future. I supported Madden designers with countless features, including writing commentary lines and directing voice acting sessions with CBS’s Gus Johnson, creating promotional assets for Ultimate Team live programs, designing light presentation packages, and addressing the lion’s share of bugs during the alpha cycle. I was motivated to absorb as much as possible during that year.
Game Link – Madden NFL 12